The time has come for me to depart and although a slight feeling of rushed comes over me, I know the decision is right and that the Universe always seems to know what I need best. For several reasons, instead of extending my ticket, I am going to go back to Europe. The idea has played on my mind a lot and I guess the fire has had more impact on me than I would like to admit.
So for now, I will bid thee farewell. Whilst happy to go, I am also tremendously sad to leave Malawi, somewhere I have called home for almost two years now. Somehow I also have accumulated ALOT of stuff again… hmmmm and so packing is still going to be a task and a half! So many cute bits to take back, like this fabulous teapot from Dedza 🙂
Instead of heading back to the UK, I have booked my London to Athens flight, as I cannot afford the £2000 hotel quarantine and to be honest have no desire to go back to the UK. So I will join my sister in Greece instead! The excitement I feel makes me know I am doing the right thing.
My only worry is leaving Esther. I am truly sad about that but will stand by her from afar and still get her to finish school and all we planned.
Looking forward to being back in Greece though so much! Hello sea and beautiful curly hair xx
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