But Why Bats?
Some fruits are pollinated by bats, around 300 varieties, and some rely on only bats for pollination. Such as the agave plant, which tequila is made from. So if you don’t like mosquitos and you do like tequila you have bats to thank!
Some fruits are pollinated by bats, around 300 varieties, and some rely on only bats for pollination. Such as the agave plant, which tequila is made from. So if you don’t like mosquitos and you do like tequila you have bats to thank!
The train was pretty long and with an added 7 hours due to delays, I spent a grand total of 23 hours on the Amtrak train from Boston to Toledo.
The bald eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus was chosen for its majestic beauty, great strength, long life, and because it's native to North America.
Great place, I saw alligators, river otter, cotton mouth snake, Florida soft shell turtles, lizards, Ibis, stork and many other bird species!
Manatees, in general, are pretty particular water creatures. They’re warm-blooded mammals and prefer the water temperature to be at least 68 degrees.
Project WILD is one of the most widely-used conservation and environmental education programs among educators of students in kindergarten through high school.
The main reason I came to Austin is to see the bats under Congress bridge and meet with Bat Conservation International.
Other than all the fantastic urban green spaces, the other thing that got me about San Antonio was the people.
Cities are comprised of more than just buildings and people. The most “liveable” big cities are just as known for their open space as they are for their culture.
The Desert Botanical Garden coordinates and leads the Central Arizona Conservation Alliance, a partnership of scientists, land managers, educators, community members, and other conservation-based non-profit organizations focused on the sustainability of the mountain parks and preserve system in and around the Phoenix metro area.